logo_DIM1health_degrade_2.pdfdim1health2024fonc : DIM1HEALTH 2.0 : Call for offers 2024 - GRANTS

15 january - 17 may 2024

Paris (France)





Major areas of interest (DIM). A flagship initiative of the Île-de-France regional research policy, the major fields of interest (DIM) aim to federate networks of laboratories located in Île-de-France, working on targeted labelled fields. The "support for areas of major interest" scheme aims to

  • encourage the structuring of research teams and networks in the Paris Region around research themes of major interest to the region;
  • Strengthen the attractiveness of Paris Region laboratories by providing scientific and technological expertise and state-of-the-art equipment,
  • improve the visibility of Paris Region and its research teams in Europe and internationally;
  • stimulate interdisciplinarity and the development of exchanges between research laboratories and economic players;
  • strengthen the links between research and economic development by promoting technology transfer and innovation;
  • promote the valorization of knowledge and dissemination of research results, including to the general public and young people.

The aim of the "major field of interest" label is to structure a network of research players around a theme that brings together several disciplines. The DIM-1HEALTH 2.0 focusing on infectiology has been labelled with 8 other DIMs. 

The DIM-1HEALTH 2.0 network coordinates the selection of scientific projects of the Ile-de-France community in the field of infectiology based on the concept of "One world, one health". The "One Health" vision has emerged in a context of climate change, global population growth, scarcity of natural resources, and shifting health pressures in both human and animal populations. Projects integrating this concept will be proposed for funding by the Île-de-France Region.

The DIM-1HEALTH 2.0 is a network open to any research entity in the Ile-de-France region, whether or not its supervisory structure is a partner of the DIM. The only prerequisite is the eligibility of the application with regard to the current call for projects.

Its aim is to promote innovative, high-level, cross-disciplinary research on human and/or animal infectious diseases in the context of global change and their pathophysiology, while encouraging the development of networks composed of Ile-de-France research teams with complementary expertise.

The DIM-1HEALTH 2.0 aims to structure and federate the activities of researchers/engineers and teacher-researchers in the Ile-de-France region, with or without a private partner involved in the surveillance, epidemiology, sociology of health, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of infectious diseases, as well as the study of the microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, parasites, viruses and prions) that cause them.
It is publishing a call for projects to support the development of research involving teams from the Ile-de-France region.

The objective of the DIM One Health 2.0 is thus to promote innovative work with a fundamental or applied "One Health" aim integrating aspects of human health, environmental health and animal health targeted on infectious agents and structured along two axes 

⇨ AXIS 1: Origin: Causality/etiology and assessment of infectious risks
Reflecting on the question and assessment of infectious risks requires first of all documenting the multiplicity of relationships that are woven between humans, animals and their environment in diversified contexts. The different themes addressed in this axis will be the following

  • Knowledge of host-pathogen interactions
  • Environmental impacts (exposome, resistance, climate change) on infections and on the pathobiome
  • Epidemiological surveillance
  • Circulation of animal reservoirs
  • (Public) health policies regarding infectious risks
  • Legitimacy of scientific discourse

⇨ AXIS 2: Intervention: proposals for operational solutions
This axis will concern the aspects of diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases related to pathogens. The different themes addressed in this axis will be the following

  • Diagnostic strategies for the detection of infections (sequencing, mass spectrometry, bioinformatics tools)
  • Epidemiological strategies (modeling)
  • Treatment strategies (repositioning of molecules and search for new leads)
  • Prevention strategies (vaccine innovation, PreP, monoclonal Ac, etc.)
  • Communication strategies (dissemination of knowledge, vaccine acceptance)
  • Social strategies (vulnerable populations)
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